Have a wonderful and safe weekend out there! What do you have planned? Saturday is a fun day for us, we are planning to do some cross country skiing, then hit up a couple Christmas parties!
Sunday will consist of football watching
(knitting for me) then some Christmas shopping, and perhaps a movie! Its been so long since I saw a movie in the theater... Halloween actually. Paranormal Activity. Yes I took the cat to the bathroom with me in the middle of the night after that one. But I hate scary movies! It was a Halloween present for T.

Then... back to work! Next week is going to be pretty slow I am sure, half of the office is out on vacation already.

So here are some funny links I have come across... enjoy!
Creepy Cool Video - "Luis"
the.GOOD.uploadr - for you flickr fans
Drawerings on the internets - odosketch

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