Wednesday, February 17, 2010

sunshine day

daffodil and rhody

Valentine's is a weekend Travis and I try to keep low key. We believe every day should be an expression of love, but we do step it up a little... Hiking in an ancient forest, biking across town to a rhododendron garden. That kind of stuff.

after trying to eat them

Monday provided a free day, a lovely opportunity to explore in my fair city, sweat at a new (to me) yoga studio, and read while snuggling with a sleepy cat. Somehow, all the knitting projects I have cast on aren't capturing my attention these days. I think I have overstepped my skill level with one, and keep having to start over with the other. Probably the return of the sunny hours of the day are influencing my interests... dreaming of butterfly gardens and summer yoga adventures.

fuzzy forest

moss bowl

lazy tree

bringing bikes next time

my butterfly garden

over the 60 ft bridge

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