Tuesday, May 18, 2010

practice, and all is coming

wild iris

I couldn't find my handy little point and shoot camera for our camping adventure at Horning's Hideout, so I was forced to practice with T's DSLR. Overall I love it, but not many of my peacock pictures turned out well. I tried to stick pincha mayurasana next to a lovely dude, but neither he nor I were having it.

sunny day

A moment in time, as I lay in the grass next to a babbling creek bed, watching insects.
Travis and I explored the entire park on mountain bikes, and as he climbed to the top of twisty, adrenaline-junkie trails, I meandered down, the sound of the water pulling me closer through overgrown trails which ended in secluded spots, perfect for quiet contemplation.

Still working on getting back into my routine, I think I should start scheduling posts a week in advance for my yoga training weeks, because the long hours at work take over my evening blogging time!

One day at a time... "Practice, and all is coming" -- Sri K Pattabhi Jois


  1. These pictures are amazing! The inchworm cracks me up...I'm so glad you took the time to notice his progress :)

  2. Ahhh, my boyfriend and I found a baby inchworm on my car - seriously, no longer than 4mm - and we put him inside on the dash so we could rescue him and put him back into nature, rather than die in the Whole Foods parking lot. He was SO little, I loved him, we named him Dilbert.

  3. that sounds so lovely...and that worm is pretty cute.
    great photos :)
